Sunday, April 12, 2020

Asana - Project Management Software - some videos

All this information is available in text format -

and get a feel at
but if you want videos and have DATA plenty - maybe at night - you can see these.

Key need to keep under 15 - can you remove the old members - this forum discussion is informative.

This youtube description by Natasha -  who runs a video production company - with 6 persons and an
organizational nerd as she calls herself - is from an entrepreneurial small organization with
contractors role. Her work involves IT related folks but not IT alone - graphics, video production, marketing.

This video is relevant for us as it is authentic by someone who runs a company to accomplish tasks.

She talks about
- how to schedule Repetitive tasks
- how to gestate ideas in a Pile-Up - and then Do it, Delegate, Delete,

If you want to see only one - see above.


Pro-Asana: This video is about comparing Trello and Asana - this is someone who does not run a company with staff    - or doing videos on
In summary
- some people like the list view or the calendar.
- The ability to see what you have accomplished - rather than archived.

Pro-Trello: This video is comparing Trello and Asana - but from someone in favor of Trello
A bit irritating.

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