Monday, February 8, 2021

FECT REPORTING (Weekly / Monthly / Semi-annual Evaluation)



Reports provide knowledge to the team members about the team’s progress on a daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly basis, making all members updated most of the time. The whole team will have an understanding of the team’s accomplishments, plans, and problems on a period basis and it enables them to prioritize issues and discuss about them. Daily status report is a kind of report that shows a status or progress of something, usually a task or a project, on a daily basis.

Some alternatives to daily status reports are weekly reports and monthly reports. As compared to daily reports, weekly and monthly reports can be less time-consuming, since they are not to be submitted every day. However, these reports should contain precise and complete details, since completeness and accuracy are key elements to the report output.

In addition, weekly and monthly reports both contain the highlight of the occurrences and issues within the given time-frame as compared to daily reports. However, it cannot be denied that daily status reports are more complete and detailed than other reports.

Progress Reports – 
Prepared on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis for the management to oversee improvement of the provided tasks.

Weekly Reporting 

A weekly status report is a complete overview of your week at work, covering projects you've completed, ones that are still in progress and upcoming plans for the future.

From an employer’s perspective, a weekly status report gives a quick look at what his or her employee is doing.

WEEKLY REPORT - Date from………………………… to ………………………………














































Monthly Reporting

It is important to keep in mind that the report should be free from any errors, grammatical or typographical, and it should also be noted that how the report was presented reflects the personality and professionalism of its writer.

Monthly status reports also help the team and the company reflect on what they can accomplish during the month and determine which among the initiative made are producing positive outcomes.

NAME /INIT …………………  (Month) 2021

Planned Tasks from Last month





Target Date

Specific Task To Be Carried Over to Next

























Outputs (expand as needed)




Total Hours Spent

ID  OSF Project / Blog post/


Follow up Needed


















































Reporting Statistics (expand as needed) 


Number of daily reports submitted

Number of Weekly reports submitted

If Supervisor Responded

Week Starting - Ending

Days Worked

Hours Worked

No of Absent Days

Supervisor Response

Report Revised







            Date Submitted to Supervisor:

Supervisor Feedback (expand as needed)

Date Responded: 

Semi-annual Evaluation Report 

The purpose of this quarterly progress report is to serve as a format for discussing the employee’s performance prior to the annual performance appraisal meeting. In order to assist the employee in improving his/her performance, both the strengths and the areas for improvement should be addressed. This will also serve as a tool to facilitate on-going communication between the supervisor and the employee to ensure that expectations are aligned. This form should be completed each 6 months January – June & July December. After the supervisor completes the form, he/she should meet with the employee to discuss its contents in detail.


Staff Member:      INSERT NAME HERE                ROLE: INSERT  HERE

Evaluation period: (Month) 2021 - (Month) 2021 - (Adjust if needed)

       Section A: Outputs

(To be completed by Staff Member before the assessment interview. 

Management outputs

List the administration related work

Infrastructure outputs

List work on Infrastructure

Research & research supports

List research outputs and support for research outputs

Outreach and partnership outputs

List the interactions with partners 

A List of the Books

 (Includes the list of books read for last 6 months)



   Section B: Weekly and Monthly Reporting 

Weekly Reports

How many weekly reports were filed – list gaps

Monthly Reports

How many monthly reports were filed – what are the gaps


(Attach the Weekly and Monthly reports if submitted by email as a Word Document– if you are using the google docs to record)


Section C: Assessment by Staff Member


(To be completed by Staff Member before the assessment interview.)

Personal overview (Maximum 200 words.)

Provide as assessment of how thing went for you outside the work role in the last six months. One or two paragraphs is sufficient. 


Own Assessment of your work performance (Maximum 400 words.)

Assess the work done in the last six months. You can talk of what you have done in comparison to what you expected. How things could have been better.  Work that follows in the future


Assessment of the supervision you received (Maximum 200 words.)

You can provide an assessment of the supervision and suggest ways to improve.


Evaluation Summary

(To be completed by the Line Manager after the appraisal interview.)

Date of interview:  


(Maximum 300 words.)

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