Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Work Reporting on Trello and Freedcamp Mandatory from November 2020

 Much Improvement is called for in the Work Reporting - otherwise we shall not be working well together - and your work shall be slowed down or misdirected - and lots of tasks are being dropped. 

To fix this, starting the next week - we are going to require that you always 

1. Sign in to Trello as you start work  on the Work Reporting Trello Card for the Day (FS shall not be updating based of fectboard emails - she shall check only at the end of the day) 
2. Check what are the tasks due by filtering the tasks under your name. 
 (For those who have been here a while - we need to really catch up on this) 

3. For those engaged in IT and related work you can check Freedcamp as well by filtering by your name. 
4. Check whether you work fits under the Tasks under the Trello or Freedcamp board - 
if not, it represents a weakness in our weekly planning - so check your weekly plan - or it could reflect a change in priorities as the week progresses. 

5. Check whether your work is defined SMART in the Trello Boards or if relevant in the Freedcamp. 
- you can  represent it there after defining it SMART and consulting your collaborators - shall be happy to help with this. 

6. At the end of the day/week/period, go back and update 
You can add comments on specific Trello cards as to the updates you have - similar to what you shall send by email. 

All of this can be done in 15 minutes - that is unless our work is not properly planned - then you can take the time to plan properly 


Friday, October 9, 2020

FECT COVID 2nd Wave Risk Management - October 2020


2nd Wave is Here
The evidence is now that there is a 2nd Wave - there has been community transmission and there are reports of higher levels of virulence - i.e tendency to spread. Here are some observations. 
  • - there is a higher risk of transmission now than at any time before as there are 1195 active cases per disease.lk exceeding previous records.
  • - the SL covid task force is not taking the threat seriously - the head is not following HPB guidelines
  • http://www.dailymirror.lk/breaking_news/Thisara-Chandimal-adorned-with-Major-Insignia/108-197585
  • To be fair later the Army stopped its 71st Anniversary Celebrations. 
  • - the UK embassy stopped one of its Directors - in charge of promoting prosperity from coming to Kandy this weekend - as they have gone into crisis mode - he was due to talk to me about formulating their response to CCA.
  • - there are political reasons why curfews are not declared now. In any administration, early on opposition is weak.  
  • - when there was one family affected in Akurana, the area was lockeddown for 40 days with no road traffic and we could not even go to the road on foot  - now there seems to be many families affected and there is not even a curfew in general. 

As those who are advocating under Disease.lk and of Risk Management we should practice what we preach. Take some tougher action and over-ride usual HR guidelines. We want your cooperation so shall be happy to discuss any issues. 
e.g. what shall NAITA think of remote work? 

As noted,
1. Risk management means preparing in advancing and pre-positioning
 - so we have got started with the SLIATE folks in charge of the OCW Trello Boards and OSF page with TH guidance. On getting all ready. 
 - the health guidelines have not been uploaded to the internal page - RZ
 - the work from home guidelines have not been uploaded to the Internal page - TH

2. It is easier and possible to make arrangements earlier than with a curfew.
 - lets fix everyone's home computers and computer access
 - as per the work from home guidelines, we shall support you on fixing all this.
3. Getting our Work on the Cloud updated is part of preparation for work at home
 - we have let our guard down - e.g. -many things including the Work From Home Guidelines are not on the cloud.
 - Trello Boards, OSF, gdrives shall have to be updated. 

4. Reduce Risk of exposure
 - Avoid travel
 - Avoid visitors esp to office - including departed folks who are travelling
 - e.g. - I should have not let the ETF people talk to others - and should have been wearing a mask - although I asked them to sit far away.
  - we shall have to stop in person interviews and new recruitments

5. Do a Vulnerability Analysis
 - Identify the folks with higher risk in travel and work with them to limit exposure. 

6. Operational Management of Risk
 - we may need to plonk the 20K to get radiative thermometers for the two offices. 
But that may only give false security - need to look into that.
- we may have to have some self-reporting of exposures such as at events and travel 

7. Run a Drill on Working from Home 
 - Before an actual curfew - lets decide to run a drill with at least half the folks on a day later this work on working from home. 

8. Develop Personal and Institutional Contingency Plans 
 - for funtions at home 
 - for work - what can you do well, what needs prepation, what cannot be done 
 - work planning becomes important - and so please send the weekly plans early and we shall review the monthly plans too.

See the April post on this blog on Preparations.