Sunday, October 1, 2017

Online Collaboration Tools

In the absence of a dedicated collaboration software, and institutional archive, we need to try to do better with what we have. Eventually, we shall get there.  Something like basecamp.

For a calendar - FS is tasked with setting up a google calendar eventually.

For file storage we had used dropbox and gdrive - which we have not organized that well lately - and we shall continue to work on that incrementally.

For work management, we have Trello and we need to have a way to do Gantt Charts online.

For knowledge management, we have internal blogs and OSF/wikis to which I have invited some of you. The purpose of this along with the OSF boards (that is for research projects and also maybe a way for us to have wiki pages) is to move the discussions out of email - so that we can organize things effectively so that information contained can be useful for us as we forget about old topics and for any new person to come along.

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