Monday, December 19, 2022




We have updated the Weekly & Monthly report formats considering your previous reports. Many of you have used the previous versions of formats and altered them according to Supervisor’s feedback.

Below are a few instructions on how to prepare your reports as some of you are still struggling to identify Theme, Project, Program & Infrastructure.

Note: Please use the given template/format when you do your reporting. Do not try to alter the formatDo not try to create your own versions. 

We have provided two application formats to do your Monthly & Weekly report. These are in Word & Excel formats. You can use either WORD format for this purpose. 

You can find these formats in the Online Collaborative Work (OCW) Trello board. Please find the link below


Instructions for doing Daily Reporting

For the daily reporting example given below



  •  TPPI - Use the given link for the TPPI.
  • Category - Fill in the category relating to the TPPI. Exe. If the TPPI is IT, and you are working on developing    this is explained in the weekly report 
  • Task - The tasks that you are working on. Tasks should be SMART.
  • Outputs - The output should be a description, a link, or a final version of the worked document
  • Collaborators - Team members who you worked with. Provide his/her initials.
  • ID  OSF Project / Blog post - Provide the link worked on
  • ID TB/FC Card - Mention on what board or card your task is represented (link)


Please mark the work started time, Break started, Break Ended & work ended time as examples given


4/05/2021 – Wednesday (Date + Day)











Instructions for doing Weekly Reporting

As in the new format, under TPPI, you can use the below table categorized under Themes, Projects, Programs & Infrastructure.  The below table is given as a reference. 

Weekly Reporting Format

In the weekly report, you’ll find two tables. One is to record and report your work. And the second table is the calculation of the total hours you have spent each week.

PLANNED TASKS FOR THE WEEK (Example 05.12.2022 TO 11.12.2022)

  • Tasks: Provide the list of tasks going to be undertaken
  • Short-codes (TB/OSF/Blog): Provide the task represented TB/OSF/Blog link
  • Collaborators: Team members who you worked with. Provide his/her initials.
  • Importance & Urgency: Please understand that you shall rank these from 1 to 5 to be consistent with our TB Label categories.

-       Please keep 5 for things that require you to drop all other work such as Proposal deadlines.

-       Keep 4 for work that you shall have to do immediately absent 4.

-       Most tasks should be 1 or2.

-       There are some tasks that can be done quickly. So those should get cleared out.

  • Estimated Time Needed: (in minutes, hours, or days) (If any tasks take more than 3 days - you need to break the task down to what can be done in a week)


  • Date:  The week period should be mentioned. Exe. 05.12.2022 TO 11.12.2022. 
  • TPPI: Use the given table above in Table 1 to fit your requirement.
  • Category:  Fill in the category relating to the TPPI. Exe. If the TPPI is IT, and you are working on developing the websites, then the category can be a website.  (Need to show the total hours spent under the category in brackets.   EXAMPLE -  (23 Hours)   
  • Tasks:  The tasks that you are working on. Tasks should be SMART.
  • Output: The output should be a description, a link, or a final version of the worked document
  • Collaborators: Team members who you worked with. Provide his/her initials.
  • Short Codes for TB, OSF, Blog: Fill the table as given short-codes 
  • Time took: Total hours are taken to complete the tasks.
  • Follow-ups: If the task is not completed what are the next steps, What is the progress of started tasks


  • Tasks: Provide the list of tasks going to be undertaken
  • Short-codes (TB/OSF/Blog): Provide the task represented TB/OSF/Blog link
  • Collaborators: Team members who you worked with. Provide his/her initials.
  • Importance & Urgency: Please understand that you shall rank these from 1 to 5 to be consistent with our TB Label categories.

-       Please keep 5 for things that require you to drop all other work such as Proposal deadlines.

-       Keep 4 for work that you shall have to do immediately absent 4.

-       Most tasks should be 1 or2.

-       There are some tasks that can be done quickly. So those should get cleared out.

  •  Estimated Time Needed: (in minutes, hours, or days) (If any tasks take more than 3 days - you need to break the task down to what can be done in a week)


·         TB consulted: What TB you had consulted and whether you had reviewed the Tasks / Cards Allocated to you, mention the short / codes briefly

·         Enclose a list of TB tasks for you by Filtering your TB: TB Filtering of all the cards across all the Boards can be done by simply going to your profile and the top right-hand corner and asking for such a listing. As a supervisor or colleague, you can also search for the cards assigned to anyone by going to the search and searching by the code assigned to each person


·         Fill out the statistic report table as this will help you to quickly work on your monthly report.

-          Mark the leaves provided column as given here.

-          SL - Short Leave, HD - Half Day, SL - Sick Leave or Medical Leave

Instructions for doing Monthly Reporting

Monthly Reporting Format

In the Monthly report, you’ll find three tables. One is to record previous months' work plan carry forward to this month, second table, Monthly Report table to report your work. And the third table is the calculation of the total hours you have spent in each week.


Instruction example for the Planned Tasks from Last month's reporting table.

  • TPPI & Category: Use the given table above in Table 1 to fit your requirement for the TPPI. Fill the category relating to the TPPI. Example: If the TPPI is IT, and you are working on developing.  This is explained in the weekly report 
  • Progress: Mark as on progress, Not completed, Completed
  • Priority : Mark as High, Medium, Low, OR rank from 1-5
  • Target Date: Tasks completed date 
  • Specific Task to Be Carried Over to Next: If tasks are carried out for next month, mention what are the next steps of those tasks. 


Instruction example for the Output reporting table.

  • TPPI & Category: Use the given table above Table 1 to fit your requirement for the TPPI. Fill the category relating to the TPPI. Example: If the TPPI is IT, and you are working on developing.    This is explained in the weekly report. (Need to show the total hours spent under the category in brackets).
  • Tasks: The tasks that you are working on. Tasks should be SMART.
  • Output: The output should be a description, a link, or final version of the worked document
  • Collaborators: Team members who you worked with. Provide his/her initials.
  • Total Hours Spent: Break down the hours of each task taken separately.
  • ID OSF Project / Blog post: Provide the task output link that you have worked on.
  • ID TB/FC Card: Mention on what board or card your task is represented.
  • Short Codes for TB, OSF, Blog:  Fill the table as given short-codes 
  • Follow ups: If the task is not completed what are next steps, What is progress of started tasks


  •       Tasks: Provide the list of tasks going to be undertaken
  •       Short-codes (TB/OSF/Blog): Provide the task represented TB/OSF/Blog link
  •       Collaborators: Team members who you worked with. Provide his/her initials.
  •       Importance & Urgency: Please understand that you shall rank these from 1 to 5 to be consistent with our TB Label categories.

-       Please keep 5 for things that require you to drop all other work such as Proposal deadlines.

-       Keep 4 for work that you shall have to do immediately absent 4.

-       Most tasks should be 1 or2.

-       There are some tasks that can be done quickly. So those should get cleared out.

  •       Estimated Time Needed: (in minutes, hours, or days) (If any tasks take more than 3 days - you need to break the task down to what can be done in a week)


Instruction example for the Reporting Statistics table.

  •     Week Start:  Week period should be mentioned.  Example: 6th Sep. – 12th Sep. 2021. This will go up to 4 or 5 weeks.
  •       Days Worked: No of day you have worked for the week periods.
  •       Hours Worked: No of hours you have worked for the week periods.
  •       Absent Days: No of the absent days you have taken for the week period.
  •       No of Daily Reports submitted: No of the daily reports you have submitted for the week periods
  •       No of Weekly Reports submitted: No of the Weekly reports you have submitted.
  •       Supervisor Response: If the supervisor has given feedback, you must mark it as YES. If not NO.
  •      Report Revised: If the report is revised and sent back to the supervisor, you must mark it as YES. If not NO.


Add the details of the boos that you read

  •      No: List out  the number of the books that you read
  •      Author: List out  the Authors of the books that you read
  •      Title: List out  the titles of the books that you read
  •      Pages or Chapters: Mentioned the number of the pagers or chapters that you read